Happy Dragons

1 h 37 min 2024 13 (Language, Violence)

Four retired secret agents embark on a quest for the "Golden Relic" which turns back time and restores their youth. As they strive to rectify past mistakes, they unravel a hidden conspiracy.

availabilityStarts | 2025-01-07T16:00:00.000Z
availabilityEnds | 2029-07-31T15:59:59.000Z
Genre | Action
Cast | Eric Chen, Wong Yat Fei, Sam Chong, Remon Lim
Director | Chew Huat Yeow
Studio |
Countries | Malaysia
Original Language | mandarin, cantonese, hokkien
Subtitle Languages | English, Bahasa Malay, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Audio Languages | mandarin, cantonese, hokkien
Country | Malaysia
Happy Dragons